and other lofty goals.

I’m not usually one for new year’s resolutions, but I feel as if the start of a new decade deserves a better me, so here it goes… 

I will take better care of my feet because without them, there wouldn’t be any ridiculous dance parties in my living room and my neighbours wouldn’t have anything to watch. 

I will allow my friends to cook for me as often as they want. 

I will not feel bad for destroying my apartment during elaborate craft projects. 

I will nap as much as possible. 

I will not stamp my feet like a four year old when slow tourists get in my way. 

I will embrace my inner sexy librarian. 

I will flirt with many men, and actually mean it sometimes. 

I will do everything in my power not to kill my fish. 

I will stop leaving the salt shaker in random places around the apartment. 

I will remember to phone my mother. 

I will not let the pigeons win.

4 thoughts on “and other lofty goals.

  1. Congratulations on getting on the “Freshly Pressed”, that’s how I found you! I may have to adopt one or two of your resolutions; I especially love the idea of allowing friends to cook for you, and trying not to destroy your apt after crafts… I’ve been known to leave my place in shambles too!

    Happy New Year, I’ll be back often!

  2. Very nice. Elaborate craft projects are worthy of some destruction. That can be half the fun. Also, your concern for your neighbors’ entertainment is very considerate. Looks to me like you’re on your way to a better you already. 🙂

  3. Hey, Violeta (yeah, that’s Violet in spanish)just came across your site, because you were featured in the WordPress home page. So, yes, being on the home page increase your traffic (interesting).
    LOve your photos, you’re good; keep going at it. Since you like flirting and photography, get an auto portrait, so I know how you look; no shyness excuse accepted. Happy New Year!
    Ps: I keep my salt shaker over the fridge. Very handy inmy case 😉

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